The 9th annual U.S. Helicopter Safety Team (USHST) Infrastructure Summit, held on February 7th and 8th, featured dozens of participants representing more than 40 industries and government entities. They included a diverse mix of OEMs, operators, avionics manufacturers, the FAA, industry associations, and safety experts.
During the 2023 USHST Infrastructure Summit, participants worked cooperatively to develop new helicopter safety strategies for enhancing critical low-level infrastructure needs as they relate to IFR operation, weather reporting, and heliport design. This year, 5G’s effect on rotorcraft operations were also discussed.
During the session, FreeFlight’s President Anthony Rios gave a presentation on ‘Tactical Approaches to 5G Effects’ to outline the impact that 5G spectrum interference has on current rotorcraft operators, discussing radio altimeter and spectrum compatibility, applicability, and usage of alternate means of compliance (AMOC), new rule making proposed (NPRM) by FAA for transport and commuter category aircraft, and more.
FreeFlight’s TERRAIN Series radar altimeters are the world’s first 5G-tolerant devices, capable of 0.1 NM or better results.
To view the slides, please contact for a copy of the presentation.